Saturday, October 4, 2014

That Moment When You Realize The Greatness Of You...

Ever had one of those days where you get up at 6am, go out to the kitchen to brew some coffee, and are just standing there looking out the window watching the sun rise with the sound of the coffee maker brewing away in the background? 

Then all of a sudden out of nowhere.... it hits you!

While I know I have always annoyed the shit out of people my whole life, I never knew the reason. It did not matter what it was, said, did, or anything, I was always harassed and judged for everything I did. Even as a child. Sometimes so much as even being here annoyed the hell out of people.

Awhile back I asked the Universe to show me what it was I was doing that I did not know I was doing, that if I finally got it, claimed, owned, and acknowledged it, would set me free?

And "What am I deliberately doing to make sure I never have money?"

I would somehow annoy people just walking in the room. I just realized I get judged for everything and seem to annoy the hell out of people is because I pull out of everyone's heads whatever it is they are doing themselves and don't know it, shift into that exact thing and be it to show them it. The way its supposed to work is I instantly get a download of what they are doing, shift into being that exactly, all their secret thoughts they have been trying to hide from everyone, and basically blast it on a loudspeaker in their face. Then when they judge me for being that (every judgment you receive without aligning and agreeing or resisting and reacting) I allow and receive the judgment and make $5,000 more that year per judgment.

The other person if they are smart will see it and goes "Oh, that's what I am doing!" and can make a different choice. I have a gift in perceiving other peoples stupidity and places of unconsciousness. Then I just take full advantage of the "$5,000 receiving thing" from all the judgment that gets flung at me to generate and create money wherever I am and whatever reality I am in.

What has shown up is in some recent lifetime 3 things:

  1. First, this gift got me killed on several occasions. I was so annoying to someone (and they did not know that I was just showing them what they were being and trying to help them) they killed me in that lifetime. Understandable! So from then on I tried to hide from the world so I would not pick up others shit they are hiding so hence I would not annoy anyone so also hence would not get killed for being "annoying" to anyone.
  2. Second, in some lifetime a recent convert to mainstream religion (and I tried all 3) I bought the religious points of views of how "money is evil" or having too much is a sin, or whatever the hell. I had a few moments of my own stupidity and started buying all this shit.
  3. Third: I had many lifetimes where I had more money than I could possibly spend and was bored. I could "buy" anything, but in those lifetimes there was nothing there for me to use money to expand my reality. So the next lifetime I decided to come here and try living WITHOUT it to give myself a challenge as I had the point of view that having money made things too easy.
So to make sure I don't have money I deliberately started aligning and agreeing and resisting and reacting to all judgment thrown my way. I intentionality started using my gift and talent against me. I can't turn it off, so I just took my gift and used it against me instead of for me and stopped receiving judgment and started reacting to it so I would energetically program myself and bump myself to never have money, stop receiving, and to keep my life a challenge so I would never be bored again with money.Never be bored with life.

How many of you other "annoying people" are still hiding?

Problem is that was from a time when what I was looking for did not exist. Or so I thought. I have been functioning from the idea that money is boring. Or rather my life is boring if I have money from the idea that too much money and too much ease is boring. This instead of using it to change others realities and use it to expand my life. Then I would go to judgment of myself for not having used it to help other people. Which of course made things more "fun"...  People getting annoyed with me has been a wrongness and until today I never got how or why that was a gift or talent nor see any greatness in it. I now claim, own, call back, and acknowledge that gift for the beauty and uniqueness it is. And if people are too stupid to not take the hint on their own stupidity and just judge me simply for showing them what they are doing....

$$$CHA-CHING!$$$ Thank You ME!!!! :D

Pardon me, I got some peoples heads to fuck with till they get their heads out of their ass. If ever.
HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! How Does it get any better than this????