I Have Only Been to a dentist ONCE in this Lifetime!
Yep. In fact I never even went to see a dentist until I was 26 years old and that was to X-ray my wisdom teeth that were moving. Oh yeah, and I still haven't had them removed. While I was there they were not cleaned, just X-rayed. I never had braces, no cavities, no nothing that would constitute having to go to the dentist (aside from said wisdom teeth pushing out). My teeth have always been a little crooked but not so crooked they required to be straightened. My teeth have always been pearly white and pretty. My wisdom teeth stopped moving and hurting and while technically according to modern dentistry points of view I "should" have them removed, my body's teeth have been just plain awesome. This makes me wonder sometimes as to how I never got cavities and all my friends (who went to a dentist) did get them and had problems with their teeth. Was I lucky? By me staying out of a dentists office did I avoid the judgments and conclusions of the dental industry and what teeth are or are not supposed to be? (and thus did not take on any points of view as to how my mouth should behave?). Whether it was what some people call "luck" or something far different I can say one thing about this week and how my teeth are....
As of 3 days ago, I discovered my FIRST EVER dental cavity!
Imagine my surprise when I looked in my mouth to see one of my front teeth was turning black and grey. What? Me? Me who has never had a "problem" with my teeth ever (aside wisdom teeth) suddenly has a cavity? Whats right about this I'm not getting????
So I admit at first I went into a state of avoidance. You know, "maybe it will just go away?" That was until other people I talked to started noticing and pointing it out to me. You know how some people are so nice they will point out things they think you know nothing about to reiterate the reality they think is real and unchangeable. It takes 2 or more people to make something real and one thing this reality is great at is training people to make sure to make everything that's shows up as real to prove how real and how limited and unchangeable this reality is that we decided it is. Or was my body telling others bodies to let me know to get me to pay attention to something that changed within it as it knew I was ignoring the tooth?
This was where I finally went to question:
"OK body, I see you have a black tooth that was white not to long ago. What is this? And what are you trying to tell me that I have been ignoring? Would you like me to take you to a dentist to have this tooth looked at?"
I got an immediate NO (side note: stand on the balls of your feet and when you ask your body a question like "What to eat, wear, about it, etc..." If your body falls backwards it means NO, if forwards, it means YES). I then asked...
This time I got a mental image to do a Google search for natural cavity cures and discovered numerous sites with numerous results for something called "Oil Pulling." Mostly with coconut oil or sunflower oil. Basically you put a chunk of coconut oil (organic) in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes and do it it such a way that you "pull" the oil through your teeth, hence the term. Other people on other blogs mentioned they had cavities heal in less than a month doing just this, and one lady even said she doesn't even brush her teeth, she does oil pulling instead. Some things the search results suggested to do my body said a "NO" to, like avoiding sugar, especially since I have been having my Bars™ run (and energetic healing process from Access Consciousness® that changes everything in your life for the better fast) a lot lately and sugar is one of the things your body may crave when having Bars run. The more I read about Oil Pulling, and simply getting more sunlight as opposed to taking more Vitamin D. the lighter my body felt. (lighter=true, heavy=lie).
"OK what would you like me to do with this? Is there anything I can do to help you change this?"
"Body, is this what you would like me to start doing with you and your teeth?"
So for the past 3 days I have been getting a combination of both holistic and regular tooth treatments as to do asked by my body (OK I know I said this was Day 1, its actually Day 3 of me doing oil pulling, sorry.) I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for 20 minutes per day, brushing teeth more, rinsing with regular mouthwash, rinsing with straight hydrogen peroxide for 3 minutes (it oxygenates teeth and gums as well as tooth whitening!), and making an effort to take my body out to get some sunlight for a few more minutes than usual. There is also Voice America radio show call from the Access Consciousness® Chanel about healing your teeth energetically using Access tools that my body has been kicking me to listen to (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD THAT SHOW FREE!). Ill listen to that call myself tomorrow. For the past three days while I don't see an improvement yet in the coloring of said rotten tooth, I have noticed all my teeth feel stronger, even the "rotten one." Not sure how to describe it, just "feels" better" than my mouth did before I started treatment.
Ill keep you updated as to my progress and let you know what does or does not change. I'm choosing to change this a different way that most people. Its called ASKING QUESTIONS.
What if your body is smarter than you are? Are you willing to ask your body what it knows and how to change something?
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