"How many of you have an eternal jailor? It’s usually your mother. Then you
might have a brother or a sister who is the trustee."
An Eternal Jailor is a concept from Access Consciousness Level 3. In the manual, its mentioned as just a tiny footnote of mention. The above quote, and a simple question under it...
"Everything you aligned and agreed with and resisted and reacted to that allowed you to have an eternal jailor, will you now revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate it all?"
This part is simple and to the point. Its to the point simply because the people who are not in an Eternal Jailor situation fly past it or don't see it, and only the person it will address is the person looking out in-between a set of bars across their face. Its worded in the manual for what it is, a footnote. And a choice.
Thing is for someone in this program its much more than just a footnote. Its uglier than that. For someone locked in that program life is basically a never-ending Catch 22. For every choice there is a counteracting program and another counteracting program holding some other thing in place. Most of the time it is your mother who is accompanied by "trustees" (someone who helps the Jailor maintain the prison). An Eternal Jailor household is a lifelong secret. It is a moldy, smelly, abusive program that leads to the decay and death of both the imprisoned and the prisoner all the way to the grave for both and all parties involved. It also sometimes "leapfrogs" meaning the mother is the Jailor, she grows old and dies and the daughter or son (Prisoner) has a child of their own. Guess who the child is? The child (new body for Jailor) grows up and regains control of the Mother (Prisoner). They exist a time together, the Mother (Prisoner) dies and the child (Jailor) now an adult has a daughter or son of their own (new body for the Prisoner) and the roles switch again. This system can go on for centuries and eventually neither parties can leave one another and neither remember they have choice in any lifetime.
Trustees are usually siblings. Sometimes the father helps as a trustee and sometimes the father and the Prisoner are the same person in different lifetimes and bodies both in the same place. Sometimes even other children at the Prisoners school or even teachers can be Trustees. Sometimes if necessary for the setup of that lifetime the Trustees can come in with animal bodies that have to be taken care of. The Trustees job is to create a reason and justification as to why the Prisoner cannot leave the Jailor. Lets say for sake of example the Jailor will have 70 cats that over the course of the prisoners life will be forced to take care of and when the Jailor gets too old to take care of the Prisoner she cannot move out and leave the Jailor because someone has to take care of both the mother and the cats and only the Prisoner is allowed to do so. And the Trustees make sure to keep adding to the filth you have to clean up, And you cannot tell anyone about it and you cannot ask anyone to help you clean it. If things get really drastic and as a last resort to maintain control the Jailor will fake having and create disabling disease in their body so the Prisoner has to stay and do everything for the Jailor.
The thing is there are two weapons the Prisoner has that is beaten out of and brainwashed out of using.
Choice, and Awareness. The Awareness to perceive what the Jailor is really doing under all the control, manipulation and lies and trusting your knowing, and the Choice, and courage, to make a move and a different choice outside of the program, even if you have to force it. Everything about an Eternal Jailor is reliant on the Prisoner not coming to the awareness they have choice as if choice is discovered there is a door to escape.
No matter what shows up, no matter what we lose, if we die in the attempt at least we die trying... sound the alarms boys, its time for a jailbreak! You know if you are in an Eternal Jailor situation or not. Ready?
How To Escape Your Eternal Jailor:
- If you are a caregiver who the one you are "caring for" also happens to be your mother with a "debilitating illness" and everything seems like a never ending Catch 22 you can't seem to get out of , read "From Caregiver to Caring" by Simone Phillips. You will know why when you read it.
- Every Damn Word Out Of Your Jailors Mouth Is a Lie. Know This! As hard as it might be to believe and contrary to what we are taught in this reality, she has been lying to you, and she always will. Not even when she says she loves you. Its a lie. Sorry, Its part of the program. Its designed to create pitty and use the training of this reality so she can bring you back into control so she can continue the cycle of abuse. Feel heavy every time she says anything to you? That's because its a lie. TRUTH = "light", HEAVY = Lie. What makes you feel light and expansive is true, what is heavy and contorted is a lie. It can take practice, but if you pay attention you can use this to develop your awarness of whats really going on.
- Watch the Disney Movie "Tangled" and Pay Attention To Mother Gothel: Notice anything familiar? Specifically the song "Mother Knows Best"? What does Rapunzel do?
- What is Really Under This? Whenever she says anything to you, be it a question (statement with an accusation and question mark attached in her case) or ordering you around, ask yourself to yourself in your head, not out loud "What Is Really Under This?" and POC & POD (click here) everything that doesn't allow you to have clarity as to what it really is. In time you will start to notice things like how she says she is in pain but not really she just doesn't wanna do it, so she will make you do it for her. In time you will get images in your head as to what she is really doing behind everything. Once you get this, you can get one step ahead of her and out-manipulate her at her own game and make different choices. This is your secret, don't call her out on anything she will just use it as ammunition.
- Expand Out Bigger Than The Universe: Close your eyes (ok fine keep an eye open to read this, sheesh! :P ). Now this is not a physical or cognitive thing and there is no right or wrong. Expand out as big as the room you are in in all directions, expand out as big as the city you are in, now as big as the country, now as big as the continent you are in, now the whole planet, now expand out as big as the solar system, now as big as the milky way galaxy, now as big as the whole universe. More spacious? Do this every day to keep you bigger than the Eternal Jailor program and going about your day will be easier.
- Learn How To Run Bars: The Bars Process is a hands on energy healing modality.Your Jailer most likely wont let you do the class or even Access as it works and will actually start breaking this program and she will see it as a threat and her job is to hold it in place, thus, banned to you. Now if she does great! If not, then lie to her and tell her you are going somewhere she DOES let you go (say grocery shopping) and then come up with another lie as to why you have been gone 8 hours (traffic, long lines at store, whatever). Go to the class and learn it, then buy something somewhere at some point in the day so you have a receipt with a time-stamp to prove you were "where you say you were" if she challenges. Practice running the process on yourself as much as possible as well as having someone else run yours when you are able. The more you get your Bars run, interestingly enough, the less and less of an "a**hole" your mother/Jailer will be and she will start questioning herself and making different choices with both herself and you. Bars not only changes and heals and creates space with you, it works on everyone else in your life even if you are the only one doing it. If you can get her to let you run her Bars, do it! If not, don't push it, just run your own. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BARS!
- Take Access Consciousness Foundation, Level 1, 2&3 Core Classes: The tools of Foundation and Level 1 gives you practical tools in your own life, and then 2&3 contain processes that unlock several other programs that an Eternal Jailor relies on you having in order for the whole prison to stay in existence, that once you let those go, the Eternal Jailor aspect can finally come loose and break up. CLICK HERE TO SEARCH FOR ACCESS CORE CLASSES.
- Pay Attention To The Things She Does Not Know About You: Everyone has something they have that has a secret, be it a piece of jewelry or whatever hidden in a drawer or whatever or even a knowing of something that's just fun for you she never knew about. If you have that, what else can you get away with? :)
- Be Willing To Ask For Help. Self Explanatory.
- Put 10% Of Your Money Away as an Honoring Of You, and DON'T spend it!: This tool is used to help you learn how to have money. In THIS case for an Eternal Jailor money is a key to getting out of the program. A Jailor usually forces you to live with them or something similar and permeate in their stink and take care of their choices and never let you have your own if it does not suit them. Money allows you to have the power to buy your way out and is a key to get you out of anything. A Jailor views money to equal meaning power and dominance. So usually a Jailor will strive to have more than you and get rid of it either find a way to steal all your money or keep creating situations to keep forcing you to have to pay for everything and/or otherwise make you get rid of it all. Find a way to make money without her knowing and keep 10% of it and hide it where she cant find it. This will energetically make her appear "bigger" and more powerful than her and creates space and ease, which goes against the program. When you have more than she does it will driver her batcrazy and she wont know why. This will get VERY uncomfortable and you will get urges to get rid of it and situations will come up that seem like a "necessary expenditure" don't fall for it, don't spend it. Go make more money, and DON'T keep the money in your purse during the course of this. Get a lockable cashbox with a combination she won't know or a safe to keep the money in and hide it where she wont find it. Keep it up. Ride out the storm and grab the popcorn. The process is entertaining to watch.
- When She Is Driving YOU Crazy: Repeat this over and over under your breath or in your head "Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be, nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be."
- When in doubt, drink it out: If she is really driving you crazy, if willing, have a few drinks. Not drunk, just one or two, take a breath, and do whatever you have to. Relax and be happy and do your best to smile and have fun no matter what shows up. Jailors hate happy, they want you dying and miserable.
- If she Drugs You: On the flip-side if she drugs you or buys you alcohol, its to medicate you so you don't notice what she is really doing and keep you in an illusion. Just be aware.
- Do One Thing Per Day That Is "Forbidden": You know what that is. You know, the stuff that scared the bejessus out of you and those things your Jailor bans you from doing and trained you to never do? You have be trained and brainwashed to avoid them and do only what you were told was allowed. When you get resistance or "fear" comes up that is an energetic wall of your prison cell. Push that down and force yourself to do it anyway. It wont be easy, however the only way to get out of your prison cell is to bypass walls and get out is to do something different. The Eternal Jailor program relies on you doing the programmed motions, stability and consistency and repetitive pasterns to stay intact.Thus you have to force a different action in order to break out and counteract the program.
- Get and Listen to the Clearing Issues Of Abuse Audio: CLICK HERE This program is abuse, especially to your body. Hug your body and listen to this audio. It will help unlock the abuse that got locked up. Not fun to go through, but if willing, things get easier. Run Bars also!
- Look In The Mirror and Clean Up: What do you see? You. Your Eternal Jailor is usually your parent. You chose your parents because you can control THEM. Your mother is only the Jailor because that's the job you gave her for whatever reason. Contrary to belief, she is just is stuck as you are, only the other end of the aisle. Its a 2 way street. She may not be ready to unlock her end of the program, and if not that's ok. Her choice. If you run your Bars she might start questioning her reality and that's a start. The idea that you are trapped is an illusion you gave yourself. Look around you. The state of your house is a symbolic representation to your Eternal Jailor program. Notice a recurring theme wherever you live? A smell? Or cluttered or filthy, moldy, shitty state? Have you noticed your mother tells you to keep that filth (or whatever it is) a secret? That's because that's the key. Get off your a** and clean up! The prison is one you created to control YOU. Usually people who choose it create it because they are powerful and have beautiful gifts and talents and bought and aligned others judgments of them (usually out of a misunderstanding) the lie they are evil and dangerous so viciously they create the prison with the idea to protect others. Your mother may be the Eternal Jailor, but only because you gave her that job and told her to do that to you to keep you in your own cage. To break out you have to do the opposite of what your "senses" are telling you. If you are not allowed to drive long distances, get in the car and force yourself to do it anyway. Not allowed to ask for help cleaning up the filthy house or tell someone about whats going on? Do it anyway. Not allowed to drive at night? Do it anyway. Whatever it is you have been programmed was off limits, the opposite is what breaks it. You don't have to rush. Go slow, one day at a time. Start with little things.
If you survived years of this, there is no way in hell you are the weak and pathetic pile of shit you think you.
You may go into "Yeah But You Don't Know My Situation!" - YES I Do! More Than You Wanna Know.
Its Time For a Jailbreak. Are You Willing To Do What It Takes To Break Free?
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