Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are You Willing To Taking The First Step Into What's Next?

This reality is rather interesting.... have you noticed?

One of the things we are taught from on day one of arriving here in Planet Earth is to live with being the state of consistency. Predictability. A comfort zone. We are taught how to walk, talk, breathe, eat, and behave based on how our parents were taught, how their parents where taught, how their parents where taught before that, taught before that, taught before, that, taught before that, and so on for the past 100,000,000,000+ years or so. The programing has been so ingrained we no longer question it, or if we do we are made out to be a heretic, crazy, eccentric, delusional. We are programmed with the idea that our bodies are us and that we are limited to the limited platter of choices some king or queen of limitation before us bestows on us as real, true, or valid. We are taught to believe our bodies are just a worthless pile of debris that can be controlled instead of asking them what really is possible. After all, this world is your body's home planet. It knows how things work and we have the arrogance to not ask it what it knows and what is possible. Despite that it just likes you enough to allow you to interface, interact, and be here with the Earth through it. 

We spend our lives thinking sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV, working in a cubicle for a paycheck, eating, sleeping, pooping, and doing it all over again is all that is, and all that's possible here. What if its not? We are taught to never take a step beyond what path was set before us. We are taught to not question and do what dictate we can or cannot do.

The lies are so ingrained we give up asking, we give up who we are and what we know is possible to align and agree with what we were told was so to the point we are scared to make the next step forward.

Do you know something else is possible? Do you have the courage to let yourself take the first step into what you know is possible for you? You don't have to see the whole path in front of you, just take a step, then another, then another, then another.

You have a choice: Stay where you are and die or take a step and be the humanoid you truly be and move into whats next and create.

What do you choose?

Who are you today and what grand and glorious adventures will you have?

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