Saturday, December 27, 2014

12 Things I Never Knew About My Body That I Learned Over Christmas

Yeah I know, its been awhile since my last post... I have been a lil distracted. :) Anyone else notice how fast the world around us is changing? Like light-speed fast...

For me, just the past week I have discovered a few things about my body I never noticed before. It started with the "How To Survive The Holidays And Still Be You" Free Hangout with Dain (Heer) and Blossom (Benedict Vanderpol). I like many others enjoyed it and from there went on about my life as it is. Right before Christmas one of the choices I made (and what was suggested in the video) was to not judge anything I ate or drank this holiday season. So I made the demand of myself I would actually do that no matter what. What showed up was interesting....

My body quickly got sick. Specifically my body had a swollen pancreas.Might I say, a swollen pancreas is NOT fun and I don't recommend choosing it or creating it in your body. I have been feeling "funky" for a few months in the sense I have had a pinching / "balloons rubbing together" type of sensation and finally my body had had enough of me not listening to it and did something that would get my attention. This time I asked my body what was going on. I put my hand over my body's upper right abdomen where the intensity was and asked what organ was there. The word "Pancreas" popped into my head and I looked up online what that part of the body does. The next words that popped in my head were "Alcohol" and "Fat". Finally I got a picture of organs pressing together and spending an hour asking questions and perceiving what was LIGHT (true) and HEAVY (Lie) what came up was I was drinking more alcohol and eating too much high fat foods and more food in general than my body personally can handle nor even wanted to ingest in the first place, and now my body's pancreas was swollen so much it was pressing against the Liver above it.
In other words, since I was not giving it what it actually wanted and ignoring it, it had to do something that was scary enough to get my attention and ask questions.
Of course being a Taurus (aka Stubborn Asshole) I did not go to the doctor or ER, or tell anyone of my predicament as in my family me and my body both know it would be made significant and therefore real and thus a conclusion.

Via the guide of asking questions and paying attention I asked my body what foods it DOES and DOES NOT like. The following are what I have learned about my body I never knew before:

  1. Eggs, Cheese, and Butter: My POV: For years I would put a hardboiled egg, cheese, and a bunch of butter on EVERYTHING I ate. (Not Kidding) Did not matter what meal it was, eggs, cheese, and butter went on it. My Body's POV: I LOVE eggs, cheese, and butter! ... just NOT all at the same time at every meal! Can we please ease up on that shit and ASK ME if I would like one of those or not at all on what we eat?
  2. Potatoes: This one surprised the shit out of me. I have been eating potatoes of all forms forever since my body was able to eat. My POV: I Love Potatoes! My Body's POV: Potatoes? EWWWW!!!!!Gross!!!! Not white ones, yellow ones, even sweet ones. YUCK! Yams are ok Though! Those are yummy! But for the love of God! No more potatoes please!!!!
  3. Gluten: This was something I discovered with my body long before I came to Access Consciousness and was the first time I became aware my body did not feel good after eating bread or anything wheat and/or Gluten based by comparing eating regular bread with gluten free bread. Later blood test showed gluten sensitivity by modern medical points of view. When I switched off gluten that was the first time I started being able to perceive energy. My POV: I Love Gluten! My Body's POV: Ewww! Gluten! Yuck! Its a dead weed with no energy in it. No thank you. Not to mention it makes it harder for me to give you the energetic information you ask for when its in my system.
  4. Bread: My POV: Sandwiches everyday!!!! Yummy Bread!!! Body's POV: Cornbread or Corn-based floured Gluten Free bread YES! Regular Gluten/Wheat bread, or Gluten Free potato based bread NO.
  5. Rice: My POV: I Love Rice!!! Body's POV: I like CALROSE Rice and CALROSE RICE ONLY!
  6. Corn: My POV: I Hate it when it gets stuck in my teeth! Body's POV: Those are MY teeth digbat and I say I look absolutely hilarious with corn chunks in my teeth just for fun! LOVE Corn!!! MORE!!!! MORE!!!! MORE I SAY!!!! Cornchips, corn on the cob, or cornbread or even those yummy corn-based English muffins you get me sometimes! CORRRRRNNNN!!!!
  7. Fruits & Vegetables: My POV: EWWWW! Body's POV: MORE!!!! Love Fruits and Veggies! Salads with corn chips and honey mustard dressing on it everyday dammit! YUM!!!!
  8. Honey Mustard Salad Dressing: My POV: I Like Ranch. Body's POV: MORE HONEY MUSTARD DRESSING!!!! Yumeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Alcohol: According to doctors and the mainstream medical community one of the things that contributes to a swollen Pancreas developing is too much alcohol. I asked my body about this and it said while it does enjoy alcohol sometimes, sometimes it does not. I discovered the mornings I wake up with a hangover or otherwise feel sick are the days my body was not interested in drinking, and the mornings we woke up feeling great regardless of how much was consumed were days my body DID ask for it. My POV: Must have a drink everyday in the evening and maybe get drunk. Especially a FourLoko, or 3 or more glasses of red wine, or 2-4 shots of tequila, or something that gets me drunk everyday! My Body's POV: I enjoy alcohol sometimes. Sometimes I like to be sober. I on occasion enjoy getting totally smashed, and other times I prefer to be just me. FYI, you don't have to have a drink everyday just because its nighttime. Ask Me Please! Sometimes I working on something and having to stop and deal with processing alcohol when I don't feel like it makes me kind of sad. 
  10. Sugar, Salt, and Water: In Access, bodies typically need lots of sugar, salt, and water when listening to processing or after a Bars run. I typically listen to something Access related daily. However I seem to have not heard the part about asking your body whether it requires it or not until now. I would eat sugar, salt, and water in HIGH quantities. Everyday. If my Bars are being run I would assume my body would need sugar and salt. Sometimes I was correct, sometimes not. My POV: We are doing Access stuff/Bars/etc so you are going to need sugar, salt, and water body! Body's POV: Not all the time! When I require it! If I'm falling asleep or otherwise I do require it ill let you know. If not, please don't give it to me if I don't. Just because we are doing Access stuff doesn't mean I do or will require sugar and salt. Please Ask!
  11. Coffee: My POV: Must Drink It Daily. With fancy flavored creamer that we change the flavor depending on season! (IE: Peppermint for Christmas, Irish Cream in March, Cinnamon Roll on my birthday or over the Summer, Almond Joy or candy flavored type for Halloween, Pumpkin Pie Spice for Thanksgiving, etc) Body's POV: I like BLACK coffee. No creamer, OR I also like that dairy-free soy based organic creamer we tried a few times. Did you notice how GREAT and joyful I felt? The flavored stuff RARELY. Maybe the flavored stuff for Christmas as a special occasion on a whim if I feel like it but not all year long please! Oh and I sometimes like TEA in the morning instead of coffee. Sometimes I like NO Coffee or tea at all! Can you please ask me first and not force me to drink coffee just because the American culture we live in drinks coffee everyday?
  12. Christmas Presents: Your body will bypass you if it has too. So I got a few things for Christmas I did not ask for. Like a wood bed frame and wireless headphones. I have headphones! What do I need wireless ones for? I have a mattress on the floor and its comfy! What do I need a heavy ass 250lb beadframe for? What I discovered is my BODY bypassed my wish list for this year and asked my mom's body what IT wanted for Christmas. First I was irritated, but then I discovered everything I got my body asked for it and that turned into gratitude. What would it take to go to gratitude first for everything from now on? When I started to put the bed together and use the headphones I realized how nice it is to have a headboard with shelves in it for my books, and a bedframe with drawers underneath to store stuff in. And apparently my body did not like sleeping on the floor, it wanted a real bed! And the wireless headphones make listening to Access processing at night a little easier, not to mention I can walk outside and listen to music from my IPOD that is in my bedroom 140 feet away and not get hung up on wires or have to carry my IPOD even with me at all. I got a few other interesting things that made my body jump for joy and I discovered DO make life a little easier and more fun! Thank You Body!

In Short:  I created the swollen Pancreas in it by forcing my body to eat and drink what I wanted to when it didn't want it with complete dishonor and disregard for it. In short, my stubborn arrogance in ignoring my body and forcing it to eat and drink what I wanted instead of asking it what it wanted is what created this Dis-ease.

Since this, looking at all this with no judgment, I am grateful. The more I ask questions, the more I realize how much I concluded I knew of my body to now discover how abusive I have been to it.
The past week over the course of coming to awareness of this and more,my body has asked for things it required to shift, change, and reverse what was created. The more I pay attention, ask questions, and give it what IT asks for, and not give it what it doesn't ask for, (even if its strange herbs I never even heard of before) the swelling in my Pancreas is going down and we are feeling better. How does it get any better than that?

Ok, I Created This. Cool. What Will It Take To Change This and Have Total Harmony With My Body?

Do You Really Know Your Body? Have You Bothered To Ask What IT Does Or Does Not Like?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How To Escape Your Eternal Jailor

Ever chosen to experience something for far longer that most people would put up with it? You know, just to make sure you have enough experience to prepare you for what is to come and you are just psychotic enough to go above and beyond the limits of both human and humanoid reality?

"How many of you have an eternal jailor? It’s usually your mother. Then you
might have a brother or a sister who is the trustee."

An Eternal Jailor is a concept from Access Consciousness Level 3. In the manual, its mentioned as just a tiny footnote of mention. The above quote, and a simple question under it...

"Everything you aligned and agreed with and resisted and reacted to that allowed you to have an eternal jailor, will you now revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate it all?"

This part is simple and to the point. Its to the point simply because the people who are not in an Eternal Jailor situation fly past it or don't see it, and only the person it will address is the person looking out in-between a set of bars across their face. Its worded in the manual for what it is, a footnote. And a choice.

Thing is for someone in this program its much more than just a footnote. Its uglier than that. For someone locked in that program life is basically a never-ending Catch 22. For every choice there is a counteracting program and another counteracting program holding some other thing in place. Most of the time it is your mother who is accompanied by "trustees" (someone who helps the Jailor maintain the prison). An Eternal Jailor household is a lifelong secret. It is a moldy, smelly, abusive program that leads to the decay and death of both the imprisoned and the prisoner all the way to the grave for both and all parties involved. It also sometimes "leapfrogs" meaning the mother is the Jailor, she grows old and dies and the daughter or son (Prisoner) has a child of their own. Guess who the child is? The child (new body for Jailor) grows up and regains control of the Mother (Prisoner). They exist a time together, the Mother (Prisoner) dies and the child (Jailor) now an adult has a daughter or son of their own (new body for the Prisoner) and the roles switch again. This system can go on for centuries and eventually neither parties can leave one another and neither remember they have choice in any lifetime.

Trustees are usually siblings. Sometimes the father helps as a trustee and sometimes the father and the Prisoner are the same person in different lifetimes and bodies both in the same place. Sometimes even other children at the Prisoners school or even teachers can be Trustees. Sometimes if necessary for the setup of that lifetime the Trustees can come in with animal bodies that have to be taken care of. The Trustees job is to create a reason and justification as to why the Prisoner cannot leave the Jailor. Lets say for sake of example the Jailor will have 70 cats that over the course of the prisoners life will be forced to take care of and when the Jailor gets too old to take care of the Prisoner she cannot move out and leave the Jailor because someone has to take care of both the mother and the cats and only the Prisoner is allowed to do so. And the Trustees make sure to keep adding to the filth you have to clean up, And you cannot tell anyone about it and you cannot ask anyone to help you clean it. If things get really drastic and as a last resort to maintain control the Jailor will fake having and create disabling disease in their body so the Prisoner has to stay and do everything for the Jailor.

The thing is there are two weapons the Prisoner has that is beaten out of and brainwashed out of using.
Choice, and Awareness. The Awareness to perceive what the Jailor is really doing under all the control, manipulation and lies and trusting your knowing, and the Choice, and courage, to make a move and a different choice outside of the program, even if you have to force it. Everything about an Eternal Jailor is reliant on the Prisoner not coming to the awareness they have choice as if choice is discovered there is a door to escape.

No matter what shows up, no matter what we lose, if we die in the attempt at least we die trying... sound the alarms boys, its time for a jailbreak! You know if you are in an Eternal Jailor situation or not. Ready?

 How To Escape Your Eternal Jailor:

  1. If you are a caregiver who the one you are "caring for" also happens to be your mother with a "debilitating illness" and everything seems like a never ending Catch 22 you can't seem to get out of , read "From Caregiver to Caring" by Simone Phillips. You will know why when you read it.
  2. Every Damn Word Out Of Your Jailors Mouth Is a Lie. Know This! As hard as it might be to believe and contrary to what we are taught in this reality, she has been lying to you, and she always will. Not even when she says she loves you. Its a lie. Sorry, Its part of the program. Its designed to create pitty and use the training of this reality so she can bring you back into control so she can continue the cycle of abuse. Feel heavy every time she says anything to you? That's because its a lie. TRUTH = "light", HEAVY = Lie. What makes you feel light and expansive is true, what is heavy and contorted is a lie. It can take practice, but if you pay attention you can use this to develop your awarness of whats really going on.
  3. Watch the Disney Movie "Tangled" and Pay Attention To Mother Gothel: Notice anything familiar? Specifically the song "Mother Knows Best"? What does Rapunzel do?
  4. What is Really Under This? Whenever she says anything to you, be it a question (statement with an accusation and question mark attached in her case) or ordering you around, ask yourself to yourself in your head, not out loud "What Is Really Under This?" and POC & POD (click here) everything that doesn't allow you to have clarity as to what it really is. In time you will start to notice things like how she says she is in pain but not really she just doesn't wanna do it, so she will make you do it for her. In time you will get images in your head as to what she is really doing behind everything. Once you get this, you can get one step ahead of her and out-manipulate her at her own game and make different choices. This is your secret, don't call her out on anything she will just use it as ammunition.
  5. Expand Out Bigger Than The Universe: Close your eyes (ok fine keep an eye open to read this, sheesh! :P ). Now this is not a physical or cognitive thing and there is no right or wrong. Expand out as big as the room you are in in all directions, expand out as big as the city you are in, now as big as the country, now as big as the continent you are in, now the whole planet, now expand out as big as the solar system, now as big as the milky way galaxy, now as big as the whole universe. More spacious? Do this every day to keep you bigger than the Eternal Jailor program and going about your day will be easier. 
  6. Learn How To Run Bars: The Bars Process is a hands on energy healing modality.Your Jailer most likely wont let you do the class or even Access as it works and will actually start breaking this program and she will see it as a threat and her job is to hold it in place, thus, banned to you. Now if she does great! If not, then lie to her and tell her you are going somewhere she DOES let you go (say grocery shopping) and then come up with another lie as to why you have been gone 8 hours (traffic, long lines at store, whatever). Go to the class and learn it, then buy something somewhere at some point in the day so you have a receipt with a time-stamp to prove you were "where you say you were" if she challenges. Practice running the process on yourself as much as possible as well as having someone else run yours when you are able. The more you get your Bars run, interestingly enough, the less and less of an "a**hole" your mother/Jailer will be and she will start questioning herself and making different choices with both herself and you. Bars not only changes and heals and creates space with you, it works on everyone else in your life even if you are the only one doing it. If you can get her to let you run her Bars, do it! If not, don't push it, just run your own. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BARS! 
  7. Take Access Consciousness Foundation, Level 1, 2&3 Core Classes: The tools of Foundation and Level 1 gives you practical tools in your own life, and then 2&3 contain processes that unlock several other programs that an Eternal Jailor relies on you having in order for the whole prison to stay in existence, that once you let those go, the Eternal Jailor aspect can finally come loose and break up. CLICK HERE TO SEARCH FOR ACCESS CORE CLASSES.
  8. Pay Attention To The Things She Does Not Know About You: Everyone has something they have that has a secret, be it a piece of jewelry or whatever hidden in a drawer or whatever or even a knowing of something that's just fun for you she never knew about. If you have that, what else can you get away with? :)
  9. Be Willing To Ask For Help. Self Explanatory.
  10. Put 10% Of Your Money Away as an Honoring Of You, and DON'T spend it!: This tool is used to help you learn how to have money. In THIS case for an Eternal Jailor money is a key to getting out of the program. A Jailor usually forces you to live with them or something similar and permeate in their stink and take care of their choices and never let you have your own if it does not suit them. Money allows you to have the power to buy your way out and is a key to get you out of anything. A Jailor views money to equal meaning power and dominance. So usually a Jailor will strive to have more than you and get rid of it either find a way to steal all your money or keep creating situations to keep forcing you to have to pay for everything and/or otherwise make you get rid of it all. Find a way to make money without her knowing and keep 10% of it and hide it where she cant find it. This will energetically make her appear "bigger" and more powerful than her and creates space and ease, which goes against the program. When you have more than she does it will driver her batcrazy and she wont know why. This will get VERY uncomfortable and you will get urges to get rid of it and situations will come up that seem like a "necessary expenditure" don't fall for it, don't spend it. Go make more money, and DON'T keep the money in your purse during the course of this. Get a lockable cashbox with a combination she won't know or a safe to keep the money in and hide it where she wont find it. Keep it up. Ride out the storm and grab the popcorn. The process is entertaining to watch.
  11. When She Is Driving YOU Crazy: Repeat this over and over under your breath or in your head "Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be, nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be." 
  12. When in doubt, drink it out:  If she is really driving you crazy, if willing, have a few drinks. Not drunk, just one or two, take a breath, and do whatever you have to. Relax and be happy and do your best to smile and have fun no matter what shows up. Jailors hate happy, they want you dying and miserable.
  13. If she Drugs You: On the flip-side if she drugs you or buys you alcohol, its to medicate you so you don't notice what she is really doing and keep you in an illusion. Just be aware.
  14. Do One Thing Per Day That Is "Forbidden": You know what that is. You know, the stuff that scared the bejessus out of you and those things your Jailor bans you from doing and trained you to never do? You have be trained and brainwashed to avoid them and do only what you were told was allowed. When you get resistance or "fear" comes up that is an energetic wall of your prison cell. Push that down and force yourself to do it anyway. It wont be easy, however the only way to get out of your prison cell is to bypass walls and get out is to do something different. The Eternal Jailor program relies on you doing the programmed motions, stability and consistency and repetitive pasterns to stay intact.Thus you have to force a different action in order to break out and counteract the program.
  15. Get and Listen to the Clearing Issues Of Abuse Audio: CLICK HERE This program is abuse, especially to your body. Hug your body and listen to this audio. It will help unlock the abuse that got locked up. Not fun to go through, but if willing, things get easier. Run Bars also!
  16. Look In The Mirror and Clean Up: What do you see? You. Your Eternal Jailor is usually your parent. You chose your parents because you can control THEM. Your mother is only the Jailor because that's the job you gave her for whatever reason. Contrary to belief, she is just is stuck as you are, only the other end of the aisle. Its a 2 way street. She may not be ready to unlock her end of the program, and if not that's ok. Her choice. If you run your Bars she might start questioning her reality and that's a start. The idea that you are trapped is an illusion you gave yourself. Look around you. The state of your house is a symbolic representation to your Eternal Jailor program. Notice a recurring theme wherever you live? A smell? Or cluttered or filthy, moldy, shitty state? Have you noticed your mother tells you to keep that filth (or whatever it is) a secret? That's because that's the key. Get off your a** and clean up! The prison is one you created to control YOU. Usually people who choose it create it because they are powerful and have beautiful gifts and talents and bought and aligned others judgments of them (usually out of a misunderstanding) the lie they are evil and dangerous so viciously they create the prison with the idea to protect others. Your mother may be the Eternal Jailor, but only because you gave her that job and told her to do that to you to keep you in your own cage. To break out you have to do the opposite of what your "senses" are telling you. If you are not allowed to drive long distances, get in the car and force yourself to do it anyway. Not allowed to ask for help cleaning up the filthy house or tell someone about whats going on? Do it anyway. Not allowed to drive at night? Do it anyway. Whatever it is you have been programmed was off limits, the opposite is what breaks it. You don't have to rush. Go slow, one day at a time. Start with little things.
There is only one kind of person who can handle years of self inflicted pain and torture.
If you survived years of this, there is no way in hell you are the weak and pathetic pile of shit you think you. 
You may go into "Yeah But You Don't Know My Situation!" - YES I Do! More Than You Wanna Know.

Its Time For a Jailbreak. Are You Willing To Do What It Takes To Break Free?

Saturday, October 4, 2014

That Moment When You Realize The Greatness Of You...

Ever had one of those days where you get up at 6am, go out to the kitchen to brew some coffee, and are just standing there looking out the window watching the sun rise with the sound of the coffee maker brewing away in the background? 

Then all of a sudden out of nowhere.... it hits you!

While I know I have always annoyed the shit out of people my whole life, I never knew the reason. It did not matter what it was, said, did, or anything, I was always harassed and judged for everything I did. Even as a child. Sometimes so much as even being here annoyed the hell out of people.

Awhile back I asked the Universe to show me what it was I was doing that I did not know I was doing, that if I finally got it, claimed, owned, and acknowledged it, would set me free?

And "What am I deliberately doing to make sure I never have money?"

I would somehow annoy people just walking in the room. I just realized I get judged for everything and seem to annoy the hell out of people is because I pull out of everyone's heads whatever it is they are doing themselves and don't know it, shift into that exact thing and be it to show them it. The way its supposed to work is I instantly get a download of what they are doing, shift into being that exactly, all their secret thoughts they have been trying to hide from everyone, and basically blast it on a loudspeaker in their face. Then when they judge me for being that (every judgment you receive without aligning and agreeing or resisting and reacting) I allow and receive the judgment and make $5,000 more that year per judgment.

The other person if they are smart will see it and goes "Oh, that's what I am doing!" and can make a different choice. I have a gift in perceiving other peoples stupidity and places of unconsciousness. Then I just take full advantage of the "$5,000 receiving thing" from all the judgment that gets flung at me to generate and create money wherever I am and whatever reality I am in.

What has shown up is in some recent lifetime 3 things:

  1. First, this gift got me killed on several occasions. I was so annoying to someone (and they did not know that I was just showing them what they were being and trying to help them) they killed me in that lifetime. Understandable! So from then on I tried to hide from the world so I would not pick up others shit they are hiding so hence I would not annoy anyone so also hence would not get killed for being "annoying" to anyone.
  2. Second, in some lifetime a recent convert to mainstream religion (and I tried all 3) I bought the religious points of views of how "money is evil" or having too much is a sin, or whatever the hell. I had a few moments of my own stupidity and started buying all this shit.
  3. Third: I had many lifetimes where I had more money than I could possibly spend and was bored. I could "buy" anything, but in those lifetimes there was nothing there for me to use money to expand my reality. So the next lifetime I decided to come here and try living WITHOUT it to give myself a challenge as I had the point of view that having money made things too easy.
So to make sure I don't have money I deliberately started aligning and agreeing and resisting and reacting to all judgment thrown my way. I intentionality started using my gift and talent against me. I can't turn it off, so I just took my gift and used it against me instead of for me and stopped receiving judgment and started reacting to it so I would energetically program myself and bump myself to never have money, stop receiving, and to keep my life a challenge so I would never be bored again with money.Never be bored with life.

How many of you other "annoying people" are still hiding?

Problem is that was from a time when what I was looking for did not exist. Or so I thought. I have been functioning from the idea that money is boring. Or rather my life is boring if I have money from the idea that too much money and too much ease is boring. This instead of using it to change others realities and use it to expand my life. Then I would go to judgment of myself for not having used it to help other people. Which of course made things more "fun"...  People getting annoyed with me has been a wrongness and until today I never got how or why that was a gift or talent nor see any greatness in it. I now claim, own, call back, and acknowledge that gift for the beauty and uniqueness it is. And if people are too stupid to not take the hint on their own stupidity and just judge me simply for showing them what they are doing....

$$$CHA-CHING!$$$ Thank You ME!!!! :D

Pardon me, I got some peoples heads to fuck with till they get their heads out of their ass. If ever.
HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! How Does it get any better than this????


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Moment Of Vulnerability Part 2: When Snakes Attack

Well that was interesting..... How does it get any better than that?
Today's post is just a quick update. So yesterday I wrote Moment Of Vulnerability. I had a few people thank me for writing it last night. This morning however was a different story:

Logging into my email, Facebook, and whatnot I had over 10+ people accusing me of numerous things. They ranged from any of the following:

  1. Bitterness
  2. Anger
  3. Greed
  4. Lazyness
  5. Who the hell do you think you are?
  6. Showing off
  7. Attention getting
  8. Wannabie
  9. Stupid Horebag
  10. ....and something about how I need to be quiet and just be happy I am alive and stop complaining cause it isn't going to get better, only worse.
For a split second I found myself trying to go into their maze to figure out where they were coming from. Especially since what they said made no sense in context of what I wrote and be. Then I stopped myself and looked at it, and received it all. Asking a question and asking for help is not allowed apparently for these people. Ok.

When you are being yourself and being in total vulnerability and allowance, you are going to get attacked for no reason at all. This is the main reason people keep walls up, to prevent getting attacked. That's OK too, always a choice. Remain a prisoner or let yourself free? Also, when you are being a space that someone isn't willing to go themselves, you are going to get attacked because they are trying to keep you in check with this reality. You will also get attacked since we are taught to attack when someone is vulnerable as it is viewed as a weakness, when in actuality it allows you to be aware of everything. And sometimes its just those people where someone who hated you in another lifetime and they decided to take advantage and throw a knife at you when you were in a perceived weakness.

Also, when someone accuses you of something it means that that is what THEY are being. NOT YOU. People accuse what they themselves are doing. And that is a 2 way street: if you find yourself accusing someone of something that's you being that trying to pin it on someone else. When someone accuses you of something and it doesn't make sense, that's cause it isn't yours in the first place.

Or sometimes people just are angry you were willing to do and be something they are not dare do themselves.... :)

Who the hell do I think I am? I am me. Who are you?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Moment Of Vulnerability

When you don't know when to start: Just start. And Ask.

This is the moment of choice my friends, allies, enemies, competition, or whatever you view me as despite what the tools of Access teach. I can't keep going on the way I have been. So I am halfway there. Or am I just starting? I got trained as a Bars Facilitator and now teach this energy healing process that has changed my life dynamically. It only took me 2 years to realize the gift that The Bars are, and the gift it is to be able to unload and let go of shit so things can be ease and things show up faster, and I'm actually starting to like me and do my best to enjoy life and be grateful for what I have. Except I have been "stuck" here for almost 2 years now. Am I just resting up for the next journey? I'm ready for the next step now. Being a BF has its limits for what products and classes I can or cannot create and teach and I'm suffocating here.

Ever had the experience of people coming to you asking for facilitation for things that the you in the future would be able to help with, however you are still stuck at BF level and can't help them with it, yet you are the person who can help them with it and they chose you, and you are the specific person who they require for whatever reason, yet you can't right now cause you have not yet caught up to yourself yet? Had people coming to you for help from the person you are not yet? That's been me the past 2 years.

Truth whats stopping me from moving on to Certified Facilitator and stepping into the me other people are looking for?  My current point of view that's been keeping me stuck is the technicality of the rules of this game in terms of actually having the money to actually be allowed to take and complete the classes, the transportation, hotels, and so forth.
And boy have I done a good job in making sure I keep creating my life to keep that point of view valid. All the way to the point now that I actually found what it was I was looking for I can't actually do it in terms of making sure I never had the money to be able to fully step into this and step into me. Brilliant aint it? That which I came here for I can't have cause I don't have enough token points or keys to unlock that door in the game we play called life.

Truth, what reason did I create it this way? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere?

Ok I admit it: I fucked up this round of the game. Like, royally fucked up. I made a few turns and went down a few streets I knew I should not have gone down, went straight when I knew should have turned right, I fucked up this round of the game so much I got myself stuck in a damn Underworld cage to the point I can't get out and money is the only key it accepts to unlock the damn door. Access is the only thing that works in this shitass reality and its the only reason I agreed to come back to this shithole reality in the first place (and the person who convinced me to come back here, your still an asshole :P ). If I can't do Access and become a Certified Facilitator and be able to do the classes and so the stuff that I actually know will be fun and expand my reality and help make my life more easy, joy, and glory, and have all of me back and kick ass with what I know and be and create what I know is possible (with the tools) and have all of me so I can help the people who are looking for me with the tools and awareness they require at the time, then I'm not interested in being here anymore. I am not going to live my entire rest of this life like it has been going. So here it is, the moment you never thought you would witness... 

If you HAVE money....

Can I have some money please?
Can I have some help with this? Can I have a big ass fucking gift? Can I have more money please? Whether you are loaning it to me (and I will pay you back in one way or another) or choosing to gift it to me free and clear, can I just have the money now please? Or can I have a job that I would enjoy doing that you would be willing to pay me for to help me generate and create the money? Or can I have a job even if all I do is be your personal "Bars runner" and run your Bars everyday and pay me money for it instead of a swap? Or can you send me tons more people to teach Bars to who actually have the $200/$100 for it? Or can you send me people just to run their Bars for $100 per session? (I have actually never had a paying monetarily client for private sessions, its always been swaps with BP's OR we trade things for Bars. What would it take for people who have money to come to me asking me to run their Bars?)

Going to buy something through the Access Shop? If nothing else can you please buy your next book, class, or mp3 through my affiliate link so I make commission money on it that I can use it for paying for my classes?

My Access affiliate URL is :

Alternatively you can also go to:
(It goes to my affiliate URL link as well.)

Or if you would like to just contribute a gift/loan me money directly see the bottom of this page to contribute with a credit or debit card online.

Current Living costs $900 a month. I'm sure this will change as I go further and grow and evolve. Sometimes I can't pay shit and sometimes I can take care of everything including my body. Sure, I do make some money from classes and other stuff and it more than I made before I started doing Access, and pretty much it all goes to my bills, food, family, medical care, gas for my car, cat food/litter/whatnot and rent and my 10% to me as possible. Its not MORE to allow me to do MORE. I have been living on the corner of Going Nowhere and Shitsville for 10+ years now living my parents lives. Enough! I'm 29 years old and Ill be fucking damned if I go into and start off my thirties decade of my life in May 2015 in the same hell I have been in all my 20's. And I know if I don't do this now and just do it NOW and go haul my ass to Facilitators and just go for it all nothing is going to change.

Ever asked the Universe to show you what the future of your life would be if you did NOT do something? What I saw was sad, not just for me, for everyone else too, and that is NOT happening!

The classes I have done:1. Bars (3x)
Foundation & Level 1 (1x)
Level 2&3 (1x)
All done online except for my first 2 Bars Classes.

Currently: Bars Facilitator. ($100 per year)+
Access Profile Page to make it easier for people to find me: $120 per year

The classes I still require to take to get to become a CF:Foundation & Level 1 (1 more x through OR a 3rd time through if I wait too much longer) $800 each
Level 2&3: (1x more) $1,100 + Finish paying off my first 2&3 before I can do more classes - $1,980 owed
10 Commandments Tellecall: $550
Distracter Implants Tellecall: $485
Need & Tug Tellecall: $550
Deal & Deliver Tellecall*: $150
(* this one I actually already have and been through it. I will admit the audio was gifted to me by a facilitator and no I am not saying which one. Technically speaking I just have to actually pay Access the $150 for it in order for it to be added as class credit for actually having done it on my class records.)
Energetic Synthesis Of Being (1 time): $1,800.
Reference Materials & Test- $whateverthatisiwillaskwhatitislater?$
Facilitators Class (1x): $3,700-$4,895 I'm aiming for specifically THIS ONE if possible.
CF License: $200.

The Classes I Would Like to Do Additionally just for the fun of it:
Symphony Of Possibilities: $2,000
Symphony Of Possibilities Maestro: $2,400
Body Class: $900
Advanced Body Class: $1,500

Being You Changing The World: (In Person) $1,200

Oh I also would like to be a Talk To The Entities Facilitator As Well:
(Why not? What else is possible? I mean Ive been talking to dead people and all sorts of crazy shit we all know "don't exist" like vampires, werewolves, elves, faeries, and dragons all my life? Id fit right in there!)
Talk To The Entities Begginner: $50+Repeat
Talk To The Entities Intermediate: $600+Repeat
Talk To The Entities Advanced: $600+Repeat

and then some!

Oh and Can I go back to doing the monthly Global ESC ($120/mo) and Creative Edge ($130/mo) on the phone?

And Then $5,000-$10,000+ish a whole bunch more extra to cover hotels, airline tickets, and/or any other things my body will require for me to take care of it and to actually fly around and do the classes that require me to be there in person with my body in order to qualify for CF license. Also to cover any upstart costs like printing manuals and shit ill require for F&L1 students.

Oh and one more thing, Universe: Can I have a place to actually teach classes and do private sessions in that actually works? The shithole moldy trailer I live in (thats SO NOT worth the fucking $675 a month for it! What would it take to change that?) isnt gonna cut it and hotel rooms are tiny. Can I have the money to rent bigger places or buy a house thats beautiful, my body and I both enjoy it and works for classes? And can it be somewhere where of my own or with other people in Access who are not going to judge me and are grateful for me being there? And can you send someone to take care of my mom and can provide her what she requires and giver her HER OWN place to live for the rest of her days here so I can go do what I know its time to do and be? Whether she likes it or not?

And a massage table: Can I have a fucking massage table now please? Its kind of retarded being a Bars Facilitator and not even having a massage table.

I have heard Facilitators suggest to just go and ask for money. They say ask and you shall receive. What have I been unwilling to do? Ask for help. I have been going it alone for so long asking for help was unacceptable. If you think I am weak for asking for help fine. I have been avoiding asking for help to avoid being judged. So be it. I don't care anymore, I just know its been time to do be what I came here to be. I get it, I can't do some shit without money. I get it, I can't do the classes without money. Its ok. If you are worried whether I will use the money for classes, does it matter? I don't care about the money. Right now all I care about is getting to where I know I know I am supposed to be. If money is required to do it, fine, then can I have the money to do it please? If it is what I have to have to do what I have to, choose, to demand of myself to do and be then so be it. Can I have some help getting there please? Cause I either I go and do it and be it or I'm gone. There is work to be done here if there is still time to do it.

So here I am
: The glorious whoever and whatever I be. Here. Now.
Thank You For Reading.

Can I have the money now please? Can I have some help with this?

(Note: My credit card processor charges me 2.9% + $0.30 fee for received payments. Keep this in mind if you choose to contribute.)

Friday, September 26, 2014

When No One Gets The Brilliance Of You

Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wished someone would just see you? Just "get you" for once?

Or perhaps you created something beautiful or have a secret that you know will help change the world and make it a better place, and no matter what you do people still don't get the gift that it is. Or the gift that you are. Or the gift that they are that they are that you can perceive that your gift or talent would help them shift that thing they are looking to change and could see more... if if they just took a minute to try something new and stop trying to keep doing only a certain thing or the same thing that doesn't work over and over again!

Or worse, you know you gift is worth way more than you are pricing it and some jerk has the point of view your gift isn't worth honoring you or paying you for your time in helping them out with said gift. Maybe you have or have not been on either end of the spectrum, yet it seems this is something that sticks people first starting out with anything.

One of the major things that sticks people, myself included, is the idea of not being complete unless we have validation or approval from an outside source. That's not your fault, that's just the stupidity of this reality. There is a saying we have in Access Consciousness: 

"You Get It When You Get It."

What did I not get? The Universe is YOU. Sure we have been taught someone outside of you (God?) is the one to give credit to for everything with idea that something outside of you is responsible for everything. Yet we don't give US credit for what we create. All of it. Everyone has a gift, has a secret (yes, even you) and we keep trying to look to others to see if we are making a ripple in the world. Are we making a difference? You are a unique point of view of the Universe looking at itself from a different vantage point. When you are the one who enjoys the hell out of yourself and just plays and has fun and enjoys what you create, that is when others can see it.

One of the things I do is I will look at what I created, wrote about, or whatever it is and see how pretty I am that I never noticed before. Even the ugly, scary, dark and twisted parts of me are pretty. There was a time not too long ago where if what I did, chose, or created was not being aligned and agreed too it meant I was worthless. 

Truth be told I discovered that when I am LOOKING for people to see me, looking for people to see what I can and perceive what I can, or look for evidence I am doing enough, being enough, or whatever enough no one pays attention to me. Ok cool. Its those times when I just go "f**k yall" and just go off, play, and have fun, and create whatever the hell I choose to no matter what anyone elses point of view of it would be, that is when I start getting people emailing me and thanking me for something I contributed to them, people would contact me for a Bars class, or whatever weird s**t I'm doing at the time, or more money would show up, or otherwise things would show up when I least expect them to. 
When I am LOOKING for it, that's when I trying to prove I am worth being here. When I already KNOW I am worth being here and just have fun and enjoy the wonderful weird chaotic random lil weirdo I be, no matter what others think of me and not care who comes along to enjoy the ride with me, that's when people take notice. We have been taught half-a** backwards how to be here from the way it actually works. Have you noticed? 

In the book Divorceless Relationships by Gary Douglas there is a story where he talks about how when you go out on a date with someone you typically for 10 seconds see each others as you are, then start cutting off your arms and legs to be able to fit into the other persons judgments or reality (or at least the one you think they have). Or in the case of the example given in the book it symbolizes cutting off your arms and legs to be able to fit into a small car cause you really would like to go out with the other person, but it requires you to diminish you in order to be able to do that. You do that instead of just stating what does or does not work for you. What shows up then is the other person eventually loses interest in you because now you are no longer the person they first became interested in or fell in love with. Where are you doing that? CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

  1. When you feel alone and no one sees you, be the one who sees you.
  2. When you create something beautiful YOU be the one to see how pretty it is.
  3. When you see sadness and pain, (or if you are the one who is sad and in pain) YOU be the one to be caring and provide the grateful nurturance and healing. 
  4. Never been hugged? Has it been awhile since someone so much as even touched you? Give yourself and your body that. Or better yet go find someone who will give you that hug or touch you.
  5. Been abused? Mistreated? (CLICK HERE FOR HELP) Treat yourself the way you should have been treated. You being caring and loving and grateful to yourself takes away the power you gave to the person abusing you. From there, you have awareness of everything
  6.  Be the one who celebrates you even when no one else does.
No One Else Can "See" you til YOU "see you!"
Are You Willing to See You?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Judgement Of Money (An Interesting Experiment)

The other day on August 8th I did an intro class called "The 3 Dangerous Words That Destroy Your Money Flows" Intro Class. One of the tools I taught in that class was receiving judgment and how every time you receive it you will make $5,000 that year. Cool huh?

Well BEFORE that class I chose to run a little experiment. An experiment in money. An experiment in judgment. You know, the curious lil humanoid that I be I always be asking "What else is possible?" in recent years and poke at things I am curious about unless its a hornets nest.
So what I did was intentionality for 3 days straight I did not shower. Yeah I know, stinky stinky.
I also did not put deodorant or perfume on. I put on the holiest, dirtiest, oldest, falling apart clothes I could find in my house and went out into the world that way. I did not brush my hair or anything. I basically went out and appeared in the world with everything I knew I would be judged for. Based on the POV of this reality I looked like shit. YAY!
I went to a few stores and DID have at least $50 in my pocket. I walked around and looked at things.

Here is what showed up:

  • People laughed at me.
  • People stared
  • People avoided me
  • People said things about me under their breath even though unknown to them I could clearly hear what they said with my acute hearing.
  • Being the little gifted Autistic psychic I be I could hear in my head what they were thinking of me without them saying anything to me.
  • The police were called. The store thought I was shoplifting because they judged and concluded I had no money based on how I appeared and smelled, and therefore by not having money from their point of view, I must therefore be doing something illegal.
In regards to the police they showed up right when I was in the checkout lane line and pulled the $50 cash out and showed them I did have money on me and I was actually going to buy one item from the store. A $1.39 pack of gum. The store owner saw the $50 I had and asked me accusingly "Where did you steal that from?" Apparently $50 is more money than "someone like me" should have from his point of view.The cops let me go as I did buy something and I had nothing on me that was new or stolen from the store.

Now some of the things thrown at me were observations, not judgments. For example the fact I smelled horrible and was wearing falling apart clothing. Yes, I was. That is an observation. The idea that because of that appearance was proof that I must be doing something "wrong" and must not have money and must be stealing from the store however is judgment.

After this I drove home with my $4,500 valued dirty older Mustang with bird shit all over it (that I intentionally did not wash for this experiment) whilst chewing a piece of my fresh new pack of $1.39 gum and took note of how I was treated. I got home, thew off the clothes, took a shower, put deodorant and perfume on, did my hair, put on the best clothes I have and went and put on the nicest jewelry I have. Or at least mock jewelry that LOOKED like it was real gold, silver, diamonds, and whatnot. This time I added another $50 to the $48.61 I had left in cash. A friend of mine who knew I was doing this experiment (and does have way more money than me) came by with her $35,000 value brand new Mustang she let me borrow for a few hours that day, and left for the store again with $98.61 cash. True, not thousands of dollars but it was enough of a wad of cash for me to flash around at people to make it look like I have shitloads of money. And while not a Mercedes or BMW, I was driving a bit more expensive car. I also have a American Express prepaid debit card that is designed to look like a real AmEx credit card. So I looked like I have "walk on water" credit that everyone so values here in this reality and had shitloads of money. I went back out into town.

This time I went back to the same store, but this time I went and bought one pound of the high quality meat and cheeses ($22.37) from the deli department, a bottle of the most expensive ass wine they had ($47.95),  and I walked around like I owned the place and projected out into the store the idea and the energy that I have $45,000,000 in my checking account right now and $15,000 in cash on me. This is what showed up this time....

  • Some of the employees were more than willing to help me, while others helped me but I could hear in their heads and from the energy they projected at me: "This stuck up rude bitch makes more money in a day than I do all year working my ass off here!" (it did not matter that I was being polite and kind to everyone, I was "the stuck up bitch" solely because I have money apparently).
  • Men hit on me. 
  • Women hit on me.
  • A mother of 8 kids in the frozen food isle said something along the lines of "I may not have the money to buy you those frozen chicken nuggets you wanted but at least we are happy unlike that lady over there sweetie." 
  • One of said children who had not yet bought her mothers points of view yet noticed I was smiling and was actually happy and gave her mom a confused strange look when she said that.
  • No police officers were called. The owner of the store (who earlier accused me of stealing) came over to me and repeatedly asked if I needed any help. It seems he did not recognize me.
  • I was not being watched like a criminal and perused the store for over an hour.
  • When I went to buy the deli food and wine I made sure I put the items on the conveyer belt in a way that the people behind me could see the labels and could see I was buying that expensive ass wine that only a person with shitloads of money buys in that store. I pulled out my faux-like American Express card and flashed it in a way that the people behind me in the line could clearly see it was an AmEx card (which most people assume has thousands of dollars on it). I then went "Oh you know what I have plenty of cash on me ill just pay for this with cash." I made sure I emphasized the "I have plenty of cash" part which I could perceive the sheer furry of the people in line behind me. I paid for the stuff with cash with the total of $70.32 and when I did I made sure I held and put back the $28 cash that was left (that I actually had at the time) in a way so it looked like it was $1,000's leftover even though it was not. 
  • I ended off the trip by requesting for assistance with my groceries to my car. That really set off the judgments from the people behind me as I only had 3 items (cheese, roast beef, and that darn bottle of wine they themselves refuse to buy because of the pricetag). I left the store with the employee carrying my items and he put them in the trunk of the $35,000 sparkling clean brand new Mustang, and ..... got hit in again by him.

The result: I drove back home, gave my friend her car back, she bought the bottle of wine off me for what I paid for it (its too dry for my bodies personal taste), let me keep the meat and cheese but refunded me the money I spent on them, and I was left with a new lesson learned that day.

When I was out the first time all filthy and unshowered I was judged for NOT HAVING MONEY. Even though I did have $50 cash on me, it was concluded by others that I had nothing based on solely how I appeared and smelled. I was then judged for having $50 because that was more money that someone in my physical condition should have. It was a non-reality for the store owner. People avoided me solely because they thought I did NOT have money, and therefore, something must be "wrong with me."

The second time I went there showered, clean, smelling, looking, and walking about like a million bucks I was judged FOR HAVING MONEY.
Employees assumed I must be rude and stuck up because they thought I had shitloads of money.
Others wanted a date because they wanted the money they thought I had. Others assumed I was unhappy because they had been taught that happiness only comes from not having money. Others judged me for using the FREE grocery assistance service that the store has where an employee walks you out to your car and helps you with your groceries. Now mind you normally I would not ask for help with only 3 little items. A 50 lb thing of cat litter that had to be hauled into my car, yes. I did ask for the assistance this time for the 3 items in this experiment just to see how much judgment I could bring up in peoples worlds. And I did, all of them. I experienced both ends of the spectrum on this day. Interestingly, no one judged me "correctly." Meaning no one actually got it that day for actually having $100 in the current 10 seconds of my life that day. The amount of money I did or did not have was formulated based on how I appeared. Since no one looked close at anything and everyone functioned from conclusion based on past experience, they created a reality based on the illusion I was giving them in this experiment, thus I was able to pull off the appearance of having shitloads of money. I gave people exactly what they were looking for. They let their judgments and conclusions take flight and let it go from there to the point no one actually questioned anything. Nor did anyone recognize me from the first time I was in there.

Are you avoiding having money to avoid the judgments? Are you avoiding not having money to avoid the judgments? From what I experienced in this it doesn't matter what you do, what you have, what you don't have, you are gonna get judged anyway. And that's a good thing. Why?

Because each and every time someone judges you and you don't align or agree with it or resist and react to it you make $5,000 more that year. Each time you align and agree or resist or react to a judgement you lose $10,000 per year. Ever wondered why celebrities or people we claim we "hate" seem to make more and more money and become more and more powerful? That's why. This world we live in teaches us to resist and react or align and agree. What do your finances look like?

Like I suggested to those who chose the Three Dangerous Words Money Intro Class, be a rock in the stream when others judge you. When you are being judged that is the moment you are being the space of who you truly be. If you are willing do an experiment like this yourself and practice receiving others judgments. Its not like anyone's judgements are real anyway, let loose and live. You don't have to take it to the extreme I did like not showering for 3 days unless you would like to. Just go out in the world wearing something you know you will be judged for. Wear a pink tutu, have fun with it. Don't do that though, you might make more money this year and you are not allowed to have more money. Not allowed. I won't let you.

What would it take to just live your life and have fun?  
Money follows joy, are you having any yet?

ps.... Would you like to join us? The "3 Dangerous Words That Destroy Your Moneyflows" class I did you can get a version of it still if you. CLICK HERE. Enjoy!

Also if you are looking for more tools to change your money situation I highly suggest:

"Money Isnt The Problem, You Are" by Gary Douglas. CLICK HERE

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Natural Tooth Cavity and Dental Cures: The Conscious Way! (Day 1)

For starters I have a confession to make....

I Have Only Been to a dentist ONCE in this Lifetime!

Yep. In fact I never even went to see a dentist until I was 26 years old and that was to X-ray my wisdom teeth that were moving. Oh yeah, and I still haven't had them removed. While I was there they were not cleaned, just X-rayed. I never had braces, no cavities, no nothing that would constitute having to go to the dentist (aside from said wisdom teeth pushing out). My teeth have always been a little crooked but not so crooked they required to be straightened. My teeth have always been pearly white and pretty. My wisdom teeth stopped moving and hurting and while technically according to modern dentistry points of view I "should" have them removed, my body's teeth have been just plain awesome. This makes me wonder sometimes as to how I never got cavities and all my friends (who went to a dentist) did get them and had problems with their teeth. Was I lucky? By me staying out of a dentists office did I avoid the judgments and conclusions of the dental industry and what teeth are or are not supposed to be? (and thus did not take on any points of view as to how my mouth should behave?). Whether it was what some people call "luck" or something far different I can say one thing about this week and how my teeth are....

As of 3 days ago, I discovered my FIRST EVER dental cavity! 

Imagine my surprise when I looked in my mouth to see one of my front teeth was turning black and grey. What? Me? Me who has never had a "problem" with my teeth ever (aside wisdom teeth) suddenly has a cavity? Whats right about this I'm not getting????
So I admit at first I went into a state of avoidance. You know, "maybe it will just go away?" That was until other people I talked to started noticing and pointing it out to me. You know how some people are so nice they will point out things they think you know nothing about to reiterate the reality they think is real and unchangeable. It takes 2 or more people to make something real and one thing this reality is great at is training people to make sure to make everything that's shows up as real to prove how real and how limited and unchangeable this reality is that we decided it is. Or was my body telling others bodies to let me know to get me to pay attention to something that changed within it as it knew I was ignoring the tooth?

This was where I finally went to question: 

"OK body, I see you have a black tooth that was white not to long ago. What is this? And what are you trying to tell me that I have been ignoring? Would you like me to take you to a dentist to have this tooth looked at?"

I got an immediate NO (side note: stand on the balls of your feet and when you ask your body a question like "What to eat, wear, about it, etc..." If your body falls backwards it means NO, if forwards, it means YES). I then asked...

"OK what would you like me to do with this? Is there anything I can do to help you change this?" 
This time I got a mental image to do a Google search for natural cavity cures and discovered numerous sites with numerous results for something called "Oil Pulling." Mostly with coconut oil or sunflower oil. Basically you put a chunk of coconut oil (organic) in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes and do it it such a way that you "pull" the oil through your teeth, hence the term. Other people on other blogs mentioned they had cavities heal in less than a month doing just this, and one lady even said she doesn't even brush her teeth, she does oil pulling instead. Some things the search results suggested to do my body said a "NO" to, like avoiding sugar, especially since I have been having my Bars™ run (and energetic healing process from Access Consciousness® that changes everything in your life for the better fast) a lot lately and sugar is one of the things your body may crave when having Bars run. The more I read about Oil Pulling, and simply getting more sunlight as opposed to taking more Vitamin D. the lighter my body felt. (lighter=true, heavy=lie).

"Body, is this what you would like me to start doing with you and your teeth?"
 Got a "YES."

So for the past 3 days I have been getting a combination of both holistic and regular tooth treatments as to do asked by my body (OK I know I said this was Day 1, its actually Day 3 of me doing oil pulling, sorry.) I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for 20 minutes per day, brushing teeth more, rinsing with regular mouthwash, rinsing with straight hydrogen peroxide for 3 minutes (it oxygenates teeth and gums as well as tooth whitening!), and making an effort to take my body out to get some sunlight for a few more minutes than usual. There is also Voice America radio show call from the Access Consciousness® Chanel about healing your teeth energetically using Access tools that my body has been kicking me to listen to (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD THAT SHOW FREE!). Ill listen to that call myself tomorrow. For the past three days while I don't see an improvement yet in the coloring of said rotten tooth, I have noticed all my teeth feel stronger, even the "rotten one." Not sure how to describe it, just "feels" better" than my mouth did before I started treatment.
Ill keep you updated as to my progress and let you know what does or does not change. I'm choosing to change this a different way that most people. Its called ASKING QUESTIONS.

What if your body is smarter than you are? Are you willing to ask your body what it knows and how to change something?

Are You Willing To Taking The First Step Into What's Next?

This reality is rather interesting.... have you noticed?

One of the things we are taught from on day one of arriving here in Planet Earth is to live with being the state of consistency. Predictability. A comfort zone. We are taught how to walk, talk, breathe, eat, and behave based on how our parents were taught, how their parents where taught, how their parents where taught before that, taught before that, taught before, that, taught before that, and so on for the past 100,000,000,000+ years or so. The programing has been so ingrained we no longer question it, or if we do we are made out to be a heretic, crazy, eccentric, delusional. We are programmed with the idea that our bodies are us and that we are limited to the limited platter of choices some king or queen of limitation before us bestows on us as real, true, or valid. We are taught to believe our bodies are just a worthless pile of debris that can be controlled instead of asking them what really is possible. After all, this world is your body's home planet. It knows how things work and we have the arrogance to not ask it what it knows and what is possible. Despite that it just likes you enough to allow you to interface, interact, and be here with the Earth through it. 

We spend our lives thinking sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV, working in a cubicle for a paycheck, eating, sleeping, pooping, and doing it all over again is all that is, and all that's possible here. What if its not? We are taught to never take a step beyond what path was set before us. We are taught to not question and do what dictate we can or cannot do.

The lies are so ingrained we give up asking, we give up who we are and what we know is possible to align and agree with what we were told was so to the point we are scared to make the next step forward.

Do you know something else is possible? Do you have the courage to let yourself take the first step into what you know is possible for you? You don't have to see the whole path in front of you, just take a step, then another, then another, then another.

You have a choice: Stay where you are and die or take a step and be the humanoid you truly be and move into whats next and create.

What do you choose?

Who are you today and what grand and glorious adventures will you have?