Sunday, September 28, 2014

Moment Of Vulnerability Part 2: When Snakes Attack

Well that was interesting..... How does it get any better than that?
Today's post is just a quick update. So yesterday I wrote Moment Of Vulnerability. I had a few people thank me for writing it last night. This morning however was a different story:

Logging into my email, Facebook, and whatnot I had over 10+ people accusing me of numerous things. They ranged from any of the following:

  1. Bitterness
  2. Anger
  3. Greed
  4. Lazyness
  5. Who the hell do you think you are?
  6. Showing off
  7. Attention getting
  8. Wannabie
  9. Stupid Horebag
  10. ....and something about how I need to be quiet and just be happy I am alive and stop complaining cause it isn't going to get better, only worse.
For a split second I found myself trying to go into their maze to figure out where they were coming from. Especially since what they said made no sense in context of what I wrote and be. Then I stopped myself and looked at it, and received it all. Asking a question and asking for help is not allowed apparently for these people. Ok.

When you are being yourself and being in total vulnerability and allowance, you are going to get attacked for no reason at all. This is the main reason people keep walls up, to prevent getting attacked. That's OK too, always a choice. Remain a prisoner or let yourself free? Also, when you are being a space that someone isn't willing to go themselves, you are going to get attacked because they are trying to keep you in check with this reality. You will also get attacked since we are taught to attack when someone is vulnerable as it is viewed as a weakness, when in actuality it allows you to be aware of everything. And sometimes its just those people where someone who hated you in another lifetime and they decided to take advantage and throw a knife at you when you were in a perceived weakness.

Also, when someone accuses you of something it means that that is what THEY are being. NOT YOU. People accuse what they themselves are doing. And that is a 2 way street: if you find yourself accusing someone of something that's you being that trying to pin it on someone else. When someone accuses you of something and it doesn't make sense, that's cause it isn't yours in the first place.

Or sometimes people just are angry you were willing to do and be something they are not dare do themselves.... :)

Who the hell do I think I am? I am me. Who are you?

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