Friday, September 26, 2014

When No One Gets The Brilliance Of You

Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wished someone would just see you? Just "get you" for once?

Or perhaps you created something beautiful or have a secret that you know will help change the world and make it a better place, and no matter what you do people still don't get the gift that it is. Or the gift that you are. Or the gift that they are that they are that you can perceive that your gift or talent would help them shift that thing they are looking to change and could see more... if if they just took a minute to try something new and stop trying to keep doing only a certain thing or the same thing that doesn't work over and over again!

Or worse, you know you gift is worth way more than you are pricing it and some jerk has the point of view your gift isn't worth honoring you or paying you for your time in helping them out with said gift. Maybe you have or have not been on either end of the spectrum, yet it seems this is something that sticks people first starting out with anything.

One of the major things that sticks people, myself included, is the idea of not being complete unless we have validation or approval from an outside source. That's not your fault, that's just the stupidity of this reality. There is a saying we have in Access Consciousness: 

"You Get It When You Get It."

What did I not get? The Universe is YOU. Sure we have been taught someone outside of you (God?) is the one to give credit to for everything with idea that something outside of you is responsible for everything. Yet we don't give US credit for what we create. All of it. Everyone has a gift, has a secret (yes, even you) and we keep trying to look to others to see if we are making a ripple in the world. Are we making a difference? You are a unique point of view of the Universe looking at itself from a different vantage point. When you are the one who enjoys the hell out of yourself and just plays and has fun and enjoys what you create, that is when others can see it.

One of the things I do is I will look at what I created, wrote about, or whatever it is and see how pretty I am that I never noticed before. Even the ugly, scary, dark and twisted parts of me are pretty. There was a time not too long ago where if what I did, chose, or created was not being aligned and agreed too it meant I was worthless. 

Truth be told I discovered that when I am LOOKING for people to see me, looking for people to see what I can and perceive what I can, or look for evidence I am doing enough, being enough, or whatever enough no one pays attention to me. Ok cool. Its those times when I just go "f**k yall" and just go off, play, and have fun, and create whatever the hell I choose to no matter what anyone elses point of view of it would be, that is when I start getting people emailing me and thanking me for something I contributed to them, people would contact me for a Bars class, or whatever weird s**t I'm doing at the time, or more money would show up, or otherwise things would show up when I least expect them to. 
When I am LOOKING for it, that's when I trying to prove I am worth being here. When I already KNOW I am worth being here and just have fun and enjoy the wonderful weird chaotic random lil weirdo I be, no matter what others think of me and not care who comes along to enjoy the ride with me, that's when people take notice. We have been taught half-a** backwards how to be here from the way it actually works. Have you noticed? 

In the book Divorceless Relationships by Gary Douglas there is a story where he talks about how when you go out on a date with someone you typically for 10 seconds see each others as you are, then start cutting off your arms and legs to be able to fit into the other persons judgments or reality (or at least the one you think they have). Or in the case of the example given in the book it symbolizes cutting off your arms and legs to be able to fit into a small car cause you really would like to go out with the other person, but it requires you to diminish you in order to be able to do that. You do that instead of just stating what does or does not work for you. What shows up then is the other person eventually loses interest in you because now you are no longer the person they first became interested in or fell in love with. Where are you doing that? CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

  1. When you feel alone and no one sees you, be the one who sees you.
  2. When you create something beautiful YOU be the one to see how pretty it is.
  3. When you see sadness and pain, (or if you are the one who is sad and in pain) YOU be the one to be caring and provide the grateful nurturance and healing. 
  4. Never been hugged? Has it been awhile since someone so much as even touched you? Give yourself and your body that. Or better yet go find someone who will give you that hug or touch you.
  5. Been abused? Mistreated? (CLICK HERE FOR HELP) Treat yourself the way you should have been treated. You being caring and loving and grateful to yourself takes away the power you gave to the person abusing you. From there, you have awareness of everything
  6.  Be the one who celebrates you even when no one else does.
No One Else Can "See" you til YOU "see you!"
Are You Willing to See You?

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