Saturday, December 27, 2014

12 Things I Never Knew About My Body That I Learned Over Christmas

Yeah I know, its been awhile since my last post... I have been a lil distracted. :) Anyone else notice how fast the world around us is changing? Like light-speed fast...

For me, just the past week I have discovered a few things about my body I never noticed before. It started with the "How To Survive The Holidays And Still Be You" Free Hangout with Dain (Heer) and Blossom (Benedict Vanderpol). I like many others enjoyed it and from there went on about my life as it is. Right before Christmas one of the choices I made (and what was suggested in the video) was to not judge anything I ate or drank this holiday season. So I made the demand of myself I would actually do that no matter what. What showed up was interesting....

My body quickly got sick. Specifically my body had a swollen pancreas.Might I say, a swollen pancreas is NOT fun and I don't recommend choosing it or creating it in your body. I have been feeling "funky" for a few months in the sense I have had a pinching / "balloons rubbing together" type of sensation and finally my body had had enough of me not listening to it and did something that would get my attention. This time I asked my body what was going on. I put my hand over my body's upper right abdomen where the intensity was and asked what organ was there. The word "Pancreas" popped into my head and I looked up online what that part of the body does. The next words that popped in my head were "Alcohol" and "Fat". Finally I got a picture of organs pressing together and spending an hour asking questions and perceiving what was LIGHT (true) and HEAVY (Lie) what came up was I was drinking more alcohol and eating too much high fat foods and more food in general than my body personally can handle nor even wanted to ingest in the first place, and now my body's pancreas was swollen so much it was pressing against the Liver above it.
In other words, since I was not giving it what it actually wanted and ignoring it, it had to do something that was scary enough to get my attention and ask questions.
Of course being a Taurus (aka Stubborn Asshole) I did not go to the doctor or ER, or tell anyone of my predicament as in my family me and my body both know it would be made significant and therefore real and thus a conclusion.

Via the guide of asking questions and paying attention I asked my body what foods it DOES and DOES NOT like. The following are what I have learned about my body I never knew before:

  1. Eggs, Cheese, and Butter: My POV: For years I would put a hardboiled egg, cheese, and a bunch of butter on EVERYTHING I ate. (Not Kidding) Did not matter what meal it was, eggs, cheese, and butter went on it. My Body's POV: I LOVE eggs, cheese, and butter! ... just NOT all at the same time at every meal! Can we please ease up on that shit and ASK ME if I would like one of those or not at all on what we eat?
  2. Potatoes: This one surprised the shit out of me. I have been eating potatoes of all forms forever since my body was able to eat. My POV: I Love Potatoes! My Body's POV: Potatoes? EWWWW!!!!!Gross!!!! Not white ones, yellow ones, even sweet ones. YUCK! Yams are ok Though! Those are yummy! But for the love of God! No more potatoes please!!!!
  3. Gluten: This was something I discovered with my body long before I came to Access Consciousness and was the first time I became aware my body did not feel good after eating bread or anything wheat and/or Gluten based by comparing eating regular bread with gluten free bread. Later blood test showed gluten sensitivity by modern medical points of view. When I switched off gluten that was the first time I started being able to perceive energy. My POV: I Love Gluten! My Body's POV: Ewww! Gluten! Yuck! Its a dead weed with no energy in it. No thank you. Not to mention it makes it harder for me to give you the energetic information you ask for when its in my system.
  4. Bread: My POV: Sandwiches everyday!!!! Yummy Bread!!! Body's POV: Cornbread or Corn-based floured Gluten Free bread YES! Regular Gluten/Wheat bread, or Gluten Free potato based bread NO.
  5. Rice: My POV: I Love Rice!!! Body's POV: I like CALROSE Rice and CALROSE RICE ONLY!
  6. Corn: My POV: I Hate it when it gets stuck in my teeth! Body's POV: Those are MY teeth digbat and I say I look absolutely hilarious with corn chunks in my teeth just for fun! LOVE Corn!!! MORE!!!! MORE!!!! MORE I SAY!!!! Cornchips, corn on the cob, or cornbread or even those yummy corn-based English muffins you get me sometimes! CORRRRRNNNN!!!!
  7. Fruits & Vegetables: My POV: EWWWW! Body's POV: MORE!!!! Love Fruits and Veggies! Salads with corn chips and honey mustard dressing on it everyday dammit! YUM!!!!
  8. Honey Mustard Salad Dressing: My POV: I Like Ranch. Body's POV: MORE HONEY MUSTARD DRESSING!!!! Yumeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Alcohol: According to doctors and the mainstream medical community one of the things that contributes to a swollen Pancreas developing is too much alcohol. I asked my body about this and it said while it does enjoy alcohol sometimes, sometimes it does not. I discovered the mornings I wake up with a hangover or otherwise feel sick are the days my body was not interested in drinking, and the mornings we woke up feeling great regardless of how much was consumed were days my body DID ask for it. My POV: Must have a drink everyday in the evening and maybe get drunk. Especially a FourLoko, or 3 or more glasses of red wine, or 2-4 shots of tequila, or something that gets me drunk everyday! My Body's POV: I enjoy alcohol sometimes. Sometimes I like to be sober. I on occasion enjoy getting totally smashed, and other times I prefer to be just me. FYI, you don't have to have a drink everyday just because its nighttime. Ask Me Please! Sometimes I working on something and having to stop and deal with processing alcohol when I don't feel like it makes me kind of sad. 
  10. Sugar, Salt, and Water: In Access, bodies typically need lots of sugar, salt, and water when listening to processing or after a Bars run. I typically listen to something Access related daily. However I seem to have not heard the part about asking your body whether it requires it or not until now. I would eat sugar, salt, and water in HIGH quantities. Everyday. If my Bars are being run I would assume my body would need sugar and salt. Sometimes I was correct, sometimes not. My POV: We are doing Access stuff/Bars/etc so you are going to need sugar, salt, and water body! Body's POV: Not all the time! When I require it! If I'm falling asleep or otherwise I do require it ill let you know. If not, please don't give it to me if I don't. Just because we are doing Access stuff doesn't mean I do or will require sugar and salt. Please Ask!
  11. Coffee: My POV: Must Drink It Daily. With fancy flavored creamer that we change the flavor depending on season! (IE: Peppermint for Christmas, Irish Cream in March, Cinnamon Roll on my birthday or over the Summer, Almond Joy or candy flavored type for Halloween, Pumpkin Pie Spice for Thanksgiving, etc) Body's POV: I like BLACK coffee. No creamer, OR I also like that dairy-free soy based organic creamer we tried a few times. Did you notice how GREAT and joyful I felt? The flavored stuff RARELY. Maybe the flavored stuff for Christmas as a special occasion on a whim if I feel like it but not all year long please! Oh and I sometimes like TEA in the morning instead of coffee. Sometimes I like NO Coffee or tea at all! Can you please ask me first and not force me to drink coffee just because the American culture we live in drinks coffee everyday?
  12. Christmas Presents: Your body will bypass you if it has too. So I got a few things for Christmas I did not ask for. Like a wood bed frame and wireless headphones. I have headphones! What do I need wireless ones for? I have a mattress on the floor and its comfy! What do I need a heavy ass 250lb beadframe for? What I discovered is my BODY bypassed my wish list for this year and asked my mom's body what IT wanted for Christmas. First I was irritated, but then I discovered everything I got my body asked for it and that turned into gratitude. What would it take to go to gratitude first for everything from now on? When I started to put the bed together and use the headphones I realized how nice it is to have a headboard with shelves in it for my books, and a bedframe with drawers underneath to store stuff in. And apparently my body did not like sleeping on the floor, it wanted a real bed! And the wireless headphones make listening to Access processing at night a little easier, not to mention I can walk outside and listen to music from my IPOD that is in my bedroom 140 feet away and not get hung up on wires or have to carry my IPOD even with me at all. I got a few other interesting things that made my body jump for joy and I discovered DO make life a little easier and more fun! Thank You Body!

In Short:  I created the swollen Pancreas in it by forcing my body to eat and drink what I wanted to when it didn't want it with complete dishonor and disregard for it. In short, my stubborn arrogance in ignoring my body and forcing it to eat and drink what I wanted instead of asking it what it wanted is what created this Dis-ease.

Since this, looking at all this with no judgment, I am grateful. The more I ask questions, the more I realize how much I concluded I knew of my body to now discover how abusive I have been to it.
The past week over the course of coming to awareness of this and more,my body has asked for things it required to shift, change, and reverse what was created. The more I pay attention, ask questions, and give it what IT asks for, and not give it what it doesn't ask for, (even if its strange herbs I never even heard of before) the swelling in my Pancreas is going down and we are feeling better. How does it get any better than that?

Ok, I Created This. Cool. What Will It Take To Change This and Have Total Harmony With My Body?

Do You Really Know Your Body? Have You Bothered To Ask What IT Does Or Does Not Like?

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